Workshop Production of

The Neverland

Written and Directed by Madeline Sayet
Krannert Center, April 2022

Original Music by Ed Littlefield
Set by Emma Brutman
Costumes by Kelsea Andrade
Lighting by Zack Saunders
Media by M Ospina Lopez
Sound by Kayla Sierra Lee & Abbey Nettleton
Photos by Darrell Hoemann

This modern-day adaptation of J.M Barrie’s Peter Pan follows a contemporary Mohegan teen who has just arrived at a strict religious boarding school, a place where she must follow rules she cannot see any sense in. Believing her Native American name too difficult to pronounce, the teacher calls her Wendy and informs her that her Mohegan culture and everything she cares about are never coming back. This triggers the arrival of Pan and Tink who have come to gather the Nevers (the spirits of everything and everyone who have been told they can’t exist anymore). Pan takes them to The Neverland, a refuge where nothing and no one can ever be erased. But now, even The Neverland is under threat by pirates. Can Wendy, her friends Pan and Tink, and The Neverlanders stop Hook from finding The Neverland and turning it into another place of hate and taking? Or will even The Neverland be destroyed by greed after all?


Antikoni by Beth Piatote