Daughters of Leda

Written and directed by Madeline Sayet
IRT Theatre, December 2014

Starring Lauren Annunziata, Alexandra Bailey, Andi Bohs, Claire Burke, Brett Hecksher, Michelle Honaker, Megan Lee, Pamela Weingarden

Set by You-Shin Chen
Costumes by Lux Haac
Lights by Evan Roby
Sound by Emily Auciello
Stage Management by Jenn Jacobs
Photos by Isaiah Tannenbaum

As the seasons change and Persephone returns to the underworld, a mortal girl arrives at the same time asking questions that turn history upside down. The Fates have a game up their sleeve - they are tired, they need a vacation. But in order to leave, they have to give the stories they exploited back. In a whirlwind of events, Adam & Eve, Leda & the Swan, Helen, Clytemnestra, Iphigenia, and Electra all come together to choose their own destinies and finally tell their side of the stories that have instilled fear of feminine knowledge for far too long.


The Winter's Tale


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