Adapted and Directed by Madeline Sayet
Butler University, November 2020

Set by Rob Koharchik
Costumes by Megan Wiegand
Lighting by Bram Sheckels
Sound by Kelly Schmidt
Stage Management by DJ Barrett
Photos by Zach Rosing

(or And Still She Must Rise Up)

A new leader has taken control of a city ravaged by plague and war, and we find our most sacred moral codes thrown into question. This story is not new, it has been told for thousands of years, and may be told for thousands more. But what if it didn't have to be? What if today was the day the story changed? This is a story of Antigone, the girl who sacrifices everything because she rises up alone against injustice. But it is also a story about now, and what might happen if we finally stood with her.


Whale Song


Poppea (The Coronation of Poppea)